Community Recycling

Community Recycling in Cairns

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Fundraising For The Community

Want to raise money for a cause that's close to your heart? Looking for a way to get the Cairns community involved? Cairns Recycling can help! Organise a community recycling initiative and bring your containers to one of our recycling centres, We'll sort through them and make a payment directly to your bank account! We have locations throughout Far North Queensland, including Smithfield, Portsmith, Mareeba, Edmonton, Gordonvale and Mackay.

With community recycling, charities and community groups can raise funds in a convenient, ongoing way. Your supporters can donate all kinds of eligible containers, including most aluminium, glass, plastic and steel beverage containers, and then you'll receive 10 cents per item! Download your fundraising kit to get started today.

Download Fundraising Kit

How It Works

To start your community recycling project, the first step is to create a scheme ID. Learn more about scheme IDs or sign up for yours now.

The next step is to choose where your supporters can donate. Here's how Cairns Recycling can help:

  • Donate via scheme ID: When you share your charity or group's scheme ID, your supporters can donate their containers to your cause at any container refund point across Queensland.
  • Become a donation location: You can set up a cage or bin at your site, so that supporters can deposit containers directly to you. Once you have enough, you then drop these off at one of our recycle centres.
  • Partner with a recycle centre: Contact Cairns Recycling to see how we can help in your fundraising efforts. We'll work with you to organise logistics such as collection arrangements, processing fees and bins for on-site collection.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I hire a recycling bin for an event or charity drive?

    Contact us to discuss a range of hire or service options that will work for your event.  We can offer various-sized recycling bins according to your space or needs. We are proud to deliver Cairns locals a no-fuss recycling option for cans, bottles and other eligible beverage containers.

  • How can I raise funds for my club, association or business?

    Contact us to find out how we can assist with commercial solutions to meet your needs. We are passionate about assisting schools, clubs, workplaces and associations throughout Cairns. Cairns Recycling is a recycling service where the funds remain local.

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